import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, diags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import bicg
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def GetSquareGrid(shape):
'''This function generates a square grid with a given shape
Use: A, mapper = GetSquareGrid(shape)
* shape (tuple): number of rows and number of columns
* A (scipy sparse array): graph adjacency matrix
* mapper (dictionary): it maps the coordinate of each node of the grid to the corresponding adjacency matrix index
height, width = shape
n = height*width
pos = []
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
mapper = dict(zip(pos, np.arange(n)))
EL = []
for p in pos:
x = mapper[p]
if p[1] < width-1:
y = mapper[tuple([p[0], p[1]+1])]
if p[0] < height-1:
y = mapper[tuple([p[0]+1, p[1]])]
EL = np.array(EL)
A = csr_matrix((np.ones(len(EL)), (EL[:,0], EL[:,1])), shape = (n,n))
A = A + A.T
return A, mapper
def GraphDiffusion(A, u, α, dt, T):
'''This function performs a diffusion of the signal u on the graph for T steps.
Use: ut = GraphDiffusion(A, u, α, dt, T)
* A (scipy sparse matrix): input graph adjacency matrix
* u (array): signal at time t = 0
* α (float): diffusion coefficient
* dt (float): time discretization
* T (integer): number of time steps
* ut (dictionary of arrays): contains the value of u for each time t
# calculate the degree vector and matrix
n, _ = A.shape
d = A@np.ones(n)
D = diags(d)
# get the Laplacian and identity matrices (for convenience)
L = D - A
Id = diags(np.ones(n))
# initialize ut
ut = [u]
# run the simulation
for t in range(T):
u = (Id-α*dt*L)@u
return dict(zip(np.arange(T), ut))
def PlotDiffusion(G, ut, time_indeces, save = False):
'''This function plots the output of a diffusion process on a network'''
# get the plotting positions
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
S = np.array([[pos[x[0]][0], pos[x[1]][0]] for x in G.edges])
T = np.array([[pos[x[0]][1], pos[x[1]][1]] for x in G.edges])
X = np.array(list(pos.values()))
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin = 0, vmax = 1)
cmap =
m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(time_indeces), figsize = (5*len(time_indeces), 5))
for i, t in enumerate(time_indeces):
ax[i].plot(S,T, color = 'k', linewidth = 0.1, alpha = 0.6)
colors = [m.to_rgba(x) for x in ut[t]]
ax[i].scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], color = colors, edgecolors = 'k', s = 150)
ax[i].set_title(f't = {t}', fontsize = 30)
if save:
plt.savefig('Figures/diff.png', dpi = 400);
def Tikhonov(y, idx, λ, L):
'''This function performs Tikhonov regularization
Use: y_reg = Tikhonov(y, idx, shape, λ, L)
* y (array): input signal
* idx (boolean array): if idx[i] = True then i \in Q, otherwise idx[i] = False
* λ (float): regularization parameter
* L (scipy sparse array): Laplacian matrix
* y_reg (array): regularized signal
n, _ = L.shape
# build the matrix Q
Q = np.zeros(n)
Q[idx] = 1
Q = diags(Q)
# solve efficiently the inversion problem
x_reg, _ = bicg(Q + λ*L, Q@y)
return x_reg
def MapWithNaN(df ,x, q):
return df.loc[x][q]
return None