Coursebook for “Complessita’ nei Sistemi Sociali”#
Laurea Magistrale in Fisica Dei Sistemi Complessi A.A. 2023/24
Lecturers: Maxime Lucas, Lorezo Dall’Amico
Course overview#
Network analysis
Dynamical processes
Temporal graphs
Epidemics on networks
Graph Fourier transform
Community Detection
Lesson 1: Course Intro
Lesson 2: Intro to networks
Lesson 3: Random models
Lesson 4: Growing models and assortativity
Lesson 5: Percolation and random walks
Lesson 7: Temporal graphs
Lesson 8: Epidemics on networks
Lesson 9: Cavity method
Lesson 11: Graph Fourier transform
Lesson 10, 12, 13: Community detection
Lesson 14 Node2Vec